Samuel Chucklebunny

Paws for thought.....for every human year, I have the experience of seven doggy years. Read my tale's here. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Friday, June 30, 2006

In the beginning...........

I guess my life began about thirteen years one knows for sure the exact date, and being 91 in mind if not in body I can't remember myself. But it's about then I came into the world. A little black ball of fluff with a white splash on my chest.

I don't remember much of my early days....or if I do I try not to remember them. Sometimes I get the odd flashback, which I will tell you about as I go on, but really I prefer not to think about the beginning. I tend to think my real life began about ten human years ago.

Aaah yes....I must just say that I am using a "ghost writer" for this. Therefore some of the translations from doggy speak to human speak may be a little topsy turvy, or jumbled up, but bless her, she is trying her best.

I also have to say that my current Mummy and Daddy, have allowed this "Ghost Writer" to write my autobiography. They have given permission, although I am not sure what they have let themselves in for. They have been nothing but kind to love for them knows no boundaries, I will do all I can to return their kindness, protect them and their belongings, and show them nothing but love during my journey into blogland.

Where my "Ghost Writer" lets call her GW, cannot translate, she will use her literary skills to embellish my tales. Some will be sad, but most will be happy, and GW has asked me to tell you now, that she in no way wants to upset any one. Some of my sadder times will be fictitious as I have no real recollection, my happier times will be as factual as possible. But considering GW only came into my life a little while ago some of them too may well be tall tales.

So if you want to join my journey, hold on to my tail as I wag away, and feel free to leave comments as to your view on my story.

This is just the beginning. A little black ball of fluff with a white flash on my chest.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


My doggy tales coming soon!!